124 Malay Pickle Chutney
Unique Speciality-
We have not included any of the artificial ingredients considering health benefits to our beloved customers.
Competition in modern business trade has caused lot of Artificial sweeteners,colours and preservatives to maximize the profit gains.
But in 124 malay Pickle chutney not included any of it and happy to say it is 100% natural.Coconut Vinegar acts as the natural preservative.
124 Malay pickle made in clay pots and stired with wooden spoons to ensure further safety.
Available In 3 Different size in Glass Jars
325 g - 440 Rs
900 g - 1250 Rs
1250 g - 2000 Rs
Benefits of 325 g - 440 Rs Jar Bottle-
1.For home Use to make your regular food luxurious.
2.To make it a gift to your loved ones as it is with a colorful attractive Show more packaging.
3.Out station Travelers for easy quick meals with Sandwitch or Bread.
Benefits of 900 g - 1250 Rs and 1250 g - 2000 Rs Jar Bottles-
1.Employees who work in foreign countries(A jar bottle with 124 Malay pickle chutney can be preserved for more than 1 1/2 years).
2.To make it a gift for whom travel abroad for their regular employments.
3.To delight your guests at home parties and wedding buffets.
Please feel free to call us and ask for any clarity if required.
124 Malay pickle
124,Thakkiya Road,
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